Icon Resin Infiltration System - Vitality Dental - Dentist Plano


The benefits of the Icon Resin Infiltration System are that it is a conservative and effective solution to treat white spot lesions on teeth, which may have appeared from calcification, trauma, or natural wear. This is a quick and painless way to say goodbye to white spots in just one visit. This method is minimally invasive with no shots, and no drilling. It will treat the white spot lesions on your teeth without altering the natural contours and structure of your teeth. The Icon Resin Infiltration System is a game changer in cosmetic dentistry. Dr. Kung and Dr. Gino are here to help you achieve that bright, white smile that you have always wanted. We are here to help you keep your teeth for a lifetime and maintain the best oral health possible. Vitality Dental - Dentist Plano Address: 2329 Coit Rd Suite A, Plano, TX 75075, United States Phone: +1 972-640-6494 Website: https://www.vitalitydentaldfw.com Follow and Like us on Social Media! Facebook: vitalitydentaldfw Instagram: Vitality Dental Plano: @vitalitydentaldf

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